Bicycle stands – types and functions

Cycling is one of the most popular activities among Europeans. No wonder – it provides a lot of benefits, ranging from the pure pleasure of riding a bike, through improving the efficiency and health of the body. The great interest in cycling translates into an increased demand for bike stands, especially in agglomerations. In this article, you will learn: what are the functions and rules of safe usage of bike racks as well as their types.
Bike racks – functions
Bike racks are structures used to attach a bike in order to secure it against theft. They are installed most often in public places, where many people have to leave their bike, e.g. in front of a university, school, cultural institution or the office. The stands are also used in B + R (bike + ride) car parks, where you can leave your bike and continue your journey by bus or a tram. Their aesthetic function is also worth remembering. Modern, well-made bicycle stands can become a stylish embellishment of any public space.
Types of bike racks
There are two basic types of bicycle stands: single (bicycle barriers) and spiral (serial). The first type allows you to park one or two bikes. It is possible to install several single stands next to each other, which allows for safe parking of more bikes, depending on the needs. The appropriate structure makes it a completely safe and convenient type of stand. It occurs in many colours and forms, which allows it to be blended in the surroundings.
Row bike stands are, on the other hand, structures that allow parking a few bikes in a row. Row bike stands allow you to park your bike by inserting the front wheel into the stand. This solution doesn’t meet the expectations of cyclists, because it is difficult to securely attach a bike to them, for example, to attach a bike with a “U-lock” security – to the frame or the frame and the wheel. However, sometimes due to the small area for bicycle parking, it is not always possible to park, e.g. in staircases or small parking areas. Thanks to the row bike stands, it is possible to park more bicycles in the same space than in the case of using U-type stand barriers.
Bicycle parking lots – good practises
How do I park my bike to keep it safe? Above all, please remember never to leave your bike unprotected. Leaving a bike “only for a moment” in front of a shop or an office is a simple way to lose it. An unguarded moment is enough for a bike to fall prey to a thief. So even if you really intend to enter the bakery or greengrocer just for a few minutes, fasten the bike to a stand or other solid barrier. If possible, always use professional, safe bicycle parking lots, equipped with high-quality bicycle stands.
When fastening your bike, use a good-quality cycle lock. The recommended choice is a u-lock (shackle padlock). It is a strong, thick U-shaped rod, made of hardened steel and closed with a solid lock. If the fastener is long, pass it also through the rear wheel. It is also a good practice to fasten the front wheel to the frame.